
Odd place for spare sandwich fixin's

While walking through the halls of the dormitory I'm currently employed by, doing my routine check for drunks and victims of violence, I happened to glance at one of the doors. Much to my amazement, this door had a slice of lunch meat pinned to it with a thumb tack. This raises two important questions for me. The first would be that of how the recipient would know where the meat had come from. I mean, there was certainly no signature. After that thought flits through my mind I immediately seize on the much more important question of "What the fuck is going on here?!" and other such important ponderings. College students are some strange people.


Music and Literature

You know what was the most hilarious moment of my week? I was scanning through the internet for a radio station I could stand, for the moment in question I was listening to one that proclaims itself the "Heaviest Music in the Netherlands", when I looked up from the book I was reading and thought to myself 'This song reminds me of something!'. After a few moments it became clear that I was listening to a guy screaming about Prince Duncan being stabbed. I can't help but find this overwhelmingly funny. I don't know why, but I decided to share. So...Ha!